Pelosi Booed By Activists After Criticizing Leaker Edward Snowden

English: Nancy Pelosi photo portrait as Speake...

English: Nancy Pelosi photo portrait as Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

SAN JOSE, Calif. — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was heckled and booed by liberal activists Saturday when she said that Edward Snowden broke the law when he revealed classified information about secret surveillance programs.

Another round of disapproval came when the former House speaker said Americans’ rights to privacy must be balanced with the nation’s security needs.

Snowden “did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents,” she said during a luncheon Q-and-A on the closing day of Netroots Nation, an annual gathering of thousands of liberal activists and bloggers.

The crowd erupted in boos.

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Amid A Storm Of Controversy, A Fallen Weiner Resigns And Enters Rehab

Anthony Weiner

Image via Wikipedia

What’s up with all the sex addictions lately????  Anthony Weiner has entered rehab (probably under the advice of Ed Rendell, M.D.) to hopefully get a grip on his sex addiction and learn a few things about social media and what not to tweet!

Weiner notified Nancy Pelosi that he intended to give up his U.S.Congressional seat.  Pelosi has been one of many Democrats, including POTUS Barack Obama, calling for Weiner to resign.  This once rising star of Democratic politics has hit rock bottom.  Last July, former POTUS Bill Clinton officiated at his wedding and now Democratic leaders cannot distance themselves from him fast enough.  The Democratic leadership is afraid of how this scandal could hurt their chances in 2012.

It is hard to feel sorry for a grown man who does not have the self-control not to tweet or text pictures of his anatomy.  Especially a newly married man who’s wife is expecting their first child.  Hopefully Weiner will develop some more appropriate hobbies as the result of his stint in rehab.

Today, Weiner held a news conference in Brooklyn and officially resigned.  He appropriately blamed himself for the predicament he “created”.  Unlike politicians in Pottstown, who do inappropriate things and say they are “passionate”, Weiner took responsibility for his error in judgment.  I at least give the guy credit for that!

Pelosi Seeks Minority Leader Spot In New Congress

Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States Hou...

Image via Wikipedia

70-year-old Nancy Pelosi, former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives is seeking to retain her control over the Democratic Party in the House by being elected Minority Leader.  Pelosi was the first woman to ever hold the position of Speaker of the House.

Pelosi’s bid is being met with some resistance by members of her own party.  Some feel she serves as a symbol of all that contributed to the Democratic Party losing control us the House in last Tuesday’s election.  Republicans were voted into office in record numbers.  Pelosi wants to make sure Republicans do not undo her health care legislation.

Pelosi said she will run for Minority Leader if she feels she has the votes necessary to be elected.