Downtown York Benefits From Tourism Spike During Gettysburg 150 Events

Map of Pennsylvania highlighting York County

Map of Pennsylvania highlighting York County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

York, PA – When a wave of tourists descended during the recent 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, it sent a ripple effect through nearby economies.  Some of those visitors’ dollars ended up in downtown York.

People escaping overcrowded restaurants and shops at the event epicenter gave a boost to York businesses during what is typically a quiet holiday week, said David Albright, chef and owner of The Left Bank Restaurant and Bar at North George Street.

“The numbers have definitely been higher,” Albright said.

After fielding a high volume of advance bookings, the Yorktowne Hotel called in additional staff for Thursday, Friday and Saturday of the July 4th week.

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Some “Tourist Rules” For Visiting Lancaster From The FM 97 Morning Crew

This is quite funny – even if you live in or around Lancaster.  A little common sense guide for visitors to Central PA attractions.  Having lived in Lancaster and experienced “tourists” first-hand I would say they nailed it!

To check it out, click here: